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2020-02-08 00:00:00范文访问手机版0


  Thanks for Gifts 感激礼品

  Dear Mr。 Martin:

  I want to thank you for the beautiful roses you sent to my mother。 She was very happy and pleased when she saw they were from you。

  I 'm glad to say she is recovering, and I hope she will soon be able to leave the hospital。

  We both send you our warmest thanks for the flowers and your very kind wishes。


  John Granby


  Thanks for Coming to the Hospital 感激探病

  Dear Lucy,

  Thanks for your kind visit which has helped me to forget the lonesomeness and minimize the pain of my illness。 Curiously enough, the doctor says that I am over the hump and should be improving steadily。 It is nice to think that your friendship and fortable remarks have contributed to my ing around。

  The doctor assured me if such improvement continued, I should be able to leave the sickbed within a few days。 You can imagine how the news has cheered me up。

  Sincerely yours,



  Thanks for Dinner 感激宴请

  Dear Mr。 Song,

  Thank you for inviting me and some of my colleagues to dine with you last night。 It was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent dinner。

  As you know, we value our long-established relationship with the People’s Republic of China, and with the Ministry of Foreign Trade (对外贸易部) in particular, and look forward to doing more business with them and to many future years ahead of increased  cooperation。

  Yours sincerely



  Thanks for Seeing-off 感激送行

  Dear Alice,

  Many thanks for your ing to see me off at the airport。 The warmth of friendship has acpanied me through the whole flight, and made my journey pleasant and fortable。

  I arrived safely at Hong Kong this afternoon, and shall write you again later。

  Sincerely yours,



  Dear (Bosss Name),

  Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday。 The interview confirmed what others have told me - that (Company Name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests。

  I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department。 As we reviewed my background, I hope that you came to a similar conclusion。 It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you。 I thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction。

  Again, you can reach me (when) (Call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and I will return your call promptly。




  Thanks for Remendation 感激推荐

  Dear Professor Smith,

  I think you'll be pleased to know that I have been hired as Human Resources Assistant manager (人力资源部助理经理) of Huawei Co。 I will begin to work on May 1st。 Please accept my sincere thanks for your reference and your thorough coaching(推荐以及各方面的教诲)I received at Hunan University。

  With best wishes。

  Faithfully yours,

  Porsia Yang


  Dear (Bosss Name),

  I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name)。

  I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job。 The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging。 From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s mitment to their clients and their employees。 I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm。

  I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title)。 I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you。 I eagerly anticipate our next meeting。 Thank you for considering me for this opportunity。




  Thanks for Help 感激帮忙

  Dear Alice,

  I wish there were a better word than "thanks" to express my appreciation of your help in making the celebration of our School Founders' Day(校庆庆祝会) a success。

  Thanks for giving me the thrill of bringing your wonderful work to the attention of the trustees at our celebration。(在庆祝会上,您对校董事们的招待工作做得很出色,使我感动。多谢。)

  All my best wishes。





  Dear Jordan,

  Thank you for your support during my family crisis。 I’m deeply grateful not only for you covering my workload while I was away but also for the times you checked in on me。 Knowing you had my back allowed me to focus on my family’s needs, which is a kindness I’ll never forget。 I appreciate everything you’ve done more than you’ll ever know。

  Thanks again,



  Thanks for Hospitability 感激款待

  Dear Prof。 Smith,

  Many thanks for your hospitability and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your country。 It was thoughtful of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and learned scholars in your Country。  I have learned a lot from them。 I returned to China safe and sound last Friday, and have resumed my work now。

  I hope you will some day visit our country with its ancient history and beautiful scenery, and give us some lectures on "Modern English  Literature"。

  Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you in China。

  With best wishes, I remain。(祝好)

  Yours sincerely,

  David Li



  Hi Imani,

  I want to tell you how much I appreciate your help getting our store ready for opening day。 You worked hard, and you were always willing to put in extra time if the situation called for it。 I’m grateful for your attention to detail—our displays look amazing as a result of your skills。

  I’m confident you’ll be a great asset to the business and an excellent resource for customers now that we’ve opened our doors to the world。 Keep up the good work!

  Thanks again,



  Thanks for Favor 感激恩惠

  Dear Mrs。 Green:

  My daughter has written to tell that you have been very kind to her during her stay in New York。

  My husband and I deeply appreciate your Courtesy(对此深感激意), and we do hope  you'll e to stay together with us for a few days when you are in Beijing。

  Thank you for your many kindness to Lin Fang。

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Lan



  Dear Ms。 Latham,

  I’d like to express my deepest appreciation for your excellent mentoring during my internship at Latham & Sons。 You not only celebrated my wins, you turned every mistake into a learning opportunity。 Your guidance has been influential, and I know it will shape my developing skills and habits as I move into my professional career。

  Warmest regards,



  Dear Mr。 & Mrs。 White,

  We are most grateful to you for the enjoyable and interesting evening we spent with you last night。 We appreciated your hospitality very much。

  The dinner and the party left us an unforgettable expression which also helped to understand your culture。

  We would wele the opportunity of reciprocating your kind hospitality  when you e to China in the near future。

  Yours sincerely,




  Hi Mark,

  Thank you for escorting our guest speakers during the workshop last week。 You went out of your way to make everyone feel fortable, which allowed me to focus on setting up the AV equipment and running sound checks。

  I spotted you not only getting people their presentation materials but also fetching water and coffee。 If anyone needed anything, you were there to provide it for them。 All of our speakers mentioned how helpful you were。 Your thoughtfulness and attention to detail helped forge lasting relationships。 We couldn’t have done it without you!

  Thanks again,



  dear ------,

  we are very honored to receive your invitation to call on your pany on wednesday afternoon, september 1st, 20--。 please accept our sincere thanks。

  during the visit, we had a preliminary and necessary munication on the basic items and related information of mutual cooperation 。 we now have a better understanding of your needs and will soon submit another proposal for your approval。 we expect to have it ready by _________ again, thank you for the pleasant visit。

  yours sincerely,










  酒店感激信中英文范文 2017中英文感激信(4) | 回到目录 ×××酒店餐饮部×××:您好!






  北京×××公司 日期:××-××-××××

  Dear Head Master of F & B Department:

  First of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done。 Here, our pany specially thanks you and your team, and sends the best regards and the most sincere gratitude to all of you。 At the same time, we specially thank an outstanding employee ------ ×××whom gave the most cooperation during the events。 At the end, we sincerely thank for the all supports from you and your colleagues。 Millions of thanks! Your Sincerely

  Beijing ××× Co。, Ltd。 Date: ××-××-××××


  Dear Mr Li,

  I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you。 I am now a freshman of Wuhan University, which I have been dreaming about。 Mr Li, I still remember the days when you taught me English。 My English has been improved greatly because of your creative work。 However, at one time, the pressure of examinations, too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed。 I was tired of the warning that if I didn’t do my best, I wouldn’t have the chance to go to college。 Thanks for your encouragement; if not, I wouldn’t have realized my dream。 And now I really understand you。 I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges。 Are you still so busy? How I miss you!

  Hoping to hear from you soon。


  Li Hua




  dear naclopendoor,

  we are the parents of yan han。 it's a great honor for our daughter to be chosen by your organization after the test and interviewing。 in the middle of august, , yan han went to minnesota, usa, as an exchange student of 11th grade。


  having been in america for more than two months, our daughter, yan han, have gotten a good care from the sweetest families。 the american family's father james and mother karen treat her just like their own daughters。 my daughter calls james and karen “father” and “mother”。 for studies, her american parents choose the curriculum carefully and make every effort to help her improve her english listening and speaking ability。


  for her life aspect, they take her eating custom into consideration, and tell her feel easy just like at her chinese home。 when we chat with our daughter through on-line video, we often see that her american parents send some midnight snack for her。


  in order to be familiar with the us as soon as possible, yan han joins the basketball team and the cross country long-distance running team under the help of american parents。 and they acpanied yan han to some interesting places such as amusement park and kansas state, etc。 american father and mother also often talk openly with our daughter。 when finding some difficulties in study and life, they help her solve promptly。


  american mother has also specially recorded our daughter’s active situations in us with dv。 she said that when we meet our daughter in china, we certainly will receive a big surprise that yan han makes a great progress not only in her english ability but also in socialist manner。 my daughter said that living in the american family is perfect and she feels happy and lucky。


  american mother always send us e-mails to municate with us about yan han’s life and study situations。 the every e-mail moves us and we deeply feel the warm humanity from americans。 we (yan han’s parents) also once studied in america and got mba degree in usa。 at that time, we received the generous help from american people。 and now, our daughter has gotten the same kind of help, which make us full of gratitude。 we heartily hope that the sino-us people can bee the very good friends, and we are willing to make our contribution to maintaining the sino-us people's friendly relationship。


  面试后写给HR的中英文感激信模板 2017中英文感激信(2) | 回到目录 尊敬的人事部lisa:


  我是武娜,来自xx外语外贸大学,14号上午8:50参加了贵公司的group assessment,我想面试者众多,您可能忘了我是谁了,呵呵,不知您有没有印象,那场有位面试者老蹲地上捡胸前名纸牌。

  首先,我很感激贵公司给我这次group assessment的机会,这是我人生第一次group assessment,让我有机会亲身感受德勤office的工作氛围和气氛,让我真正体念到了团队合作的重要性和技巧性,让我有机会结交新的7位朋友,让我有机会总结自我group assessment的不足和优点,让我对团队工作方式有了更加正确的认识。


  再次感激贵公司给我group assessment 的机会,让我终生难忘,期望有机会跟您进行更深的交流!






  Dear Prof。 Herthwell,

  Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation’s recent visit to your university。 It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university。 We had a safe and sound trip home。 Now we have resumed our work。

  Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”。

  Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China。

  With best wishes。

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Dong


  Dear ms。 grasso:

  thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies。 i was impressed with the pany and the type of banking services the corporation provides。

  your ments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking。 i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies。

  if you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation。

  i look forward to talking again with you soon。

  very truly yours,

  richard t。 hamilton

TAG标签: 感谢
